Super Bubble Cutter Super Bubble Monitor Super Airless Damper Super Liquid Supply
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Major handling Products:
Specially ordered products, Sample products, etc.
- Semiconductor equipment related:
Wafer cleaning station, Fixture cleaning machine, Quartz cleaning machine, Clean draft, Clean bench, Various kinds of anti-acid tank.

- Piping works:
Machining(NC rooter, etc), Modification of equipment, Installation of equipment.

- Machinery works:
Machining(NC rooter, etc), modification of equipment, installation of equipment.

Orders for the production of Example

Orders for the production of Example.(Japanese only)

ポリイミド剥離機 現像装置 SPM処理装置
ポリイミド剥離機 現像機 SPM処理機
赤外線乾燥装置 コンベア式洗浄機 コンベア式洗浄機
ドラフトチャンパー 石英間洗浄装置 コンベア式洗浄機

In order to design and manufacture the system ideal for customer requirement,the customer is expected to provide the maker with the information of fluid, blending ratio, operating conditions such as flow rate, temperature, viscosity density, etc. in advance.
Copyright SATOH JUSHI KOGYO Co .LTD.All rights reserved.